Gayatri Mantra Painting Series: 108
Virtual Exhibit

Gayatri Mantra Painting Series: 108, Virtual Exhibit. The paintings are on view at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco.

The Gayatri Mantra Painting Series by Artist, Airiel Mulvaney. 

In this particularly polarized time in the world, I often ask, ‘What is Mine to do?’ This painting series has been my answer and my offering—to a sense of peace and an intention of unity.

This exhibit honors the Oneness in all beings while honoring the individuality of all. The 108 paintings create an installation space of contemplation, while each painting becomes an individual expression of the whole. Some hard, some soft, some beautiful, some not so beautiful. It’s an acceptance of all that is. The One becomes the many. The many; the One.

How the series began:

I remember an artist talk I went to years ago. He said whenever he was starting a new body of work he would empty out his studio, paint it white, and sit in the middle the room. He would continue to sit there until inspiration for his next body of work revealed itself to him.

I did this in my own studio four years ago. I sat in my studio and did nothing for almost two months. Then I started listening to the Gayatri Mantra* chant while sitting in my studio. And, then I started painting.

After almost 4 years to the day—All of the intended 108 paintings are complete.  Each painting was done while listening to the Gayatri Mantra* chant. The Gayatri Mantra is considered to be the mother of all mantras, and is from the Rg Veda, which is said to be the oldest written word on Earth. 

I approach my art as spiritual practice. My paintings are an expression on canvas/wood that is a dance between the inner world and the physical, always with the intention to bring forth onto the canvas/paper what is unseen. Painting moves me into a primal mode; the reptilian, instinctual part of me is fully present and the conscious, cautious, careful me is gone. I grab paints and mix right on the canvas, scraping away layers to reveal the moments. 

Inspired by the Rothko Chapel**,  I am drawn to create contemplative sacred spaces. While working on an individual painting I am also aware that it will be one of many taking the form of installation. 

Music: Gayatri Mantra: Chant of Illuminations Bis. 70

To purchase this recording contact Biswas Records, Atanu Biswas, email:


Thank you to the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco Art Committee for their gracious allowing of this first showing of the Gayatri Mantra Painting Series and to Cheryl Deaner for your enthusiasm in getting me there.

Many thanks go to Paul Kensinger for his tireless and meticulous presence in hanging the exhibition. To Jennie Braman and Allison Rowland for curating 108 paintings on my deck in the Oakland Hills. And to Theda Burke, Cindy Cleary and Kimberly Satterfield for hanging in while hanging the show.

Thank you to Dr. Anatu Biswas for use of this beautiful soundtrack of the Gayatri Mantra and to Elizabeth A. Hin for the English translation.